Thursday, June 21, 2012

At six months babies are expected to reach the following milestones:

  • Most kids can do: turns towards voices and sounds, imitates sounds and rolls over in both direction.
  • Half kids can do: Ready to eat solid foods, can sit without support, can pass toys from hand to the other and explore objects further by mouthing them.
  • Few kids can do: starts crawling, babbling sound ("baba" and "dada") and drags objects towards them.

This is how a six months old baby might play:

  • Can sit up with little support or nothing at all.
  • Looks for toys or objects that he drops.
  • Loves to play peek-a-boo.
  • Bang a toy and squeals at the same time.
I am very excited to witness the milestones listed above from my 6 months old baby. Surely, we will enjoy this month and will be very busy checking if he is able to reach the expected milestone.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

STC21 : Data and File Structures
Assignment (1 whole yellow paper)
1. Differentiate Data Structures and Data Types.
2. What is an Algorithm? (In your own understanding)
3. What is a flowchart? Draw and describe the use of each flowcharting symbols.
4. What is pseudocode? (In your own understanding)
5. Create a simple flowchart representation and create its pseudocode representation.
Note: Don't copy the example from the book and from your classmates, create your own.
To be pass on Friday, Nov. 24, 2006 during our class.
Reference : Data Structures by STI (available in library)

Saturday, October 28, 2006

What three major learnings that you learn from this course?
->The first and very important learnings that I learned from IT Pro is time management and at the same time being patient. Honestly IT Pro is very "matrabaho subject", it takes a lot of time reading the case studies in Excel, Access and case study on SSM Advising Center. I really have to set time just for IT Pro to finish the cases and upload it. I learn to divide my time in complying the requirements for IT Pro, doing my job and giving my self time to rest.
-->The second learning is to avoid "mamaya na habit". I learned that when a case study is given I should start working on it and will not wait for the deadline it's because it will cause cramming, pressure and stress.
-->The third learning is I learned a lot from the last case study which is the SSM Advising Center. I learn what is a DFD, ERD and many things about data analysis.

What should Sir Ruero continue to do to this course?
Sir, you should continue the assessment software and all the case studies. It's very challenging!

What area should we improve?
The case studies should be discussed in the class.


Thursday, September 14, 2006

Pre-final Quiz1 Excel Basics (DIT121)

1.The maximum number of worksheets in a workbook.
2.It is the collections of worksheets stored in the same file.
3.Major part of Excel screen which looks like a table or grid of rows (numbers) and columns (letters).
4.The maximum number of columns in Excel.
5.The maximum number of rows in Excel.
6.The intersection of each row and column.
7.It is the column letter followed by a row number, example:A1,B1 or C2.
8.Text entries that are too long to fit in a cell.
9.Excel can save up to how many characters including spaces in filenames in saving a document.
10.Give at least one character that is not valid for use in filenames.

Email your answer at

Friday, September 08, 2006

IT Outsourcing Reaction Paper

Managers should be very wise in making decision whether to outsource their IT or just kept it in-house. They should consider the effects of these decisions and they should not assume nor presume if they really mean business. They should evaluate if IT outsourcing can help them in achieving their company’s objective, which is to maximize flexibility and control. Their decision whether to outsource their IT or just kept it in-house should depend on the situation.
The managers should not try to invest in fancy equipment and customized software if they think it’s strategic, but its not. They should put in mind that our technology is changing and it will change the company’s IT needs. In case of unfamiliar or new technologies, many managers think that no one in the company has enough technical knowledge and skills to assess these new technologies, the tendency is, the manager will directly decide to hand over the job to an outside provider and end up experiencing unsuccessful results because the company lacked knowledge to negotiate contracts and don’t have the knowledge how to evaluate the supplier’s performance. Therefore the manager should think of alternatives to avoid this to happen. One alternative is to hire a supplier to team up with company’s IT staff on the project so that the company will learn about the new technology and can negotiate a contract if they decide to outsource.

Saturday, August 05, 2006

Finally...I'm done!

Module 5
Title : Access 2000 Basics
Pre Assessment
Date Taken : Aug. 17, 2006
Score : (46/53) 86%
Title : Access 2000 Advanced Features
Pre Assessment
Date Taken : Aug. 18, 2006
Score : (64/74) 86%

Module 6
Title : Power Point 2000 Basics
Pre Assessment
Date Taken : Aug. 18, 2006
Score : (84/97) 86%
Title : Power Point 2000 Advanced Features
Pre Assessment
Date Taken : Aug. 18, 2006
Score : (115/133) 86%

Module 7
Title : Web Browsing Fundamentals
Pre Assessment
Date Taken : Aug. 4, 2006
Score : (36/39) 92%
Title : Messaging Fundamentals
Pre Assessment
Date Taken : Aug. 18, 2006
Score : (93/106) 87%

Friday, August 04, 2006

Module 2
Title : Computer and File Management
Pre Assessment
Date Taken : Aug. 3, 2006
Score : 74%
Post Assessment
Score : (82/86) 95%

Module 3
Title : Word 2000 Basics
Pre Assessment
Date Taken : Aug. 3, 2006
Score: (79/103) 76%
Post Assessment
Score : (157/184) 85%

Title : Word 2000 Advanced Features
Pre Assessment
Date Taken : Aug. 3, 2006
Score: 76%
Post Assessment
Score : (157/184) 85%

Module 4
Title : Excel 2000 Basics
Pre Assessment
Date Taken : Aug. 4, 2006
Score : (73/89) 82%
Post Assessment
Score : (78/89) 87%

Title : Excel 2000 Advanced Features
Pre Assessment
Date Taken : Aug. 4, 2006
Score: (79/87) 90%

Whewhh..Atlast my assessment software works!!!
Six modules to go...
It's gonna be a long long day!
Title : Basic Concepts of Information Technology
Pre Assessment
Date Taken : July 24, 2006
Score : (75/84) 89%
"Not that bad"