Thursday, June 21, 2012

At six months babies are expected to reach the following milestones:

  • Most kids can do: turns towards voices and sounds, imitates sounds and rolls over in both direction.
  • Half kids can do: Ready to eat solid foods, can sit without support, can pass toys from hand to the other and explore objects further by mouthing them.
  • Few kids can do: starts crawling, babbling sound ("baba" and "dada") and drags objects towards them.

This is how a six months old baby might play:

  • Can sit up with little support or nothing at all.
  • Looks for toys or objects that he drops.
  • Loves to play peek-a-boo.
  • Bang a toy and squeals at the same time.
I am very excited to witness the milestones listed above from my 6 months old baby. Surely, we will enjoy this month and will be very busy checking if he is able to reach the expected milestone.

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